LAS VEGAS, NV — Silverstone has quite a few PSU lines in its portfolio covering every possible need in the market. The entry-level line, named “Essential” currently consists of 23 selections with efficiency ratings ranging from the base 80 PLUS certification up to 80 PLUS Gold. These units have not be certified, at this time, by Cybenetics so we are missing more detailed efficiency and performance information as well as noise output.

The latest additions to the Essential line are three semi-module units – ET550-HG, ET650-HG, and ET750-HG. As their model numbers suggest, these units will cover the 550W-750W capacity range. They are all 80 PLUS Gold certified, have normal dimensions (16cm depth), and are cooled by a 140mm fan which Silverstone says offers silent operation. The units will be available in the European market soon, (after January 17th). MSRP is 90€, 80€, and 71.5€ for the ET750-HG, ET650-HG, and ET550-HG respectively.

According to sources through Tom’s Hardware, the first shipment of those units just arrived in the U.S so you should expect to see them on store shelves within the next couple weeks. MSRP for the US market from highest to lowest capacity models are $95, $85, and $75, respectively. 

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The OEM for the ETx550-HG units is Channel Well Technology (CWT), which is among the better PSU makers nowadays. We do not know the exact platform Silverstone utilized until it is reviewed, but looks to be a version of CWT's PUQ platform. As expected with a lower wattage model, the 550W ET550-HG has a couple of PCIe connectors with the higher wattage models have four. Finally, all cables consist of darkened wires and are flat, with only the absolutely essential plugs, ATX and EPS, being fixed. 

Silverstone ET550-HG, ET650-HG, ET750-HG Specifications
  ET550-HG ET650-HG ET750-HG
Rated Combined Rated Combined Rated Combined
+3.3V 20A 110W 20A 110W 22A 120W
+5V 20A 20A 22A


540W 53A 636W 62A 744W
-12V 0.3A 3.6W 0.3A 3.6W 0.3A 3.6W
+5Vsb 2.5A 12.5W 2.5A 12.5W 2.5A 12.5W
Total Power 550W 650W 750W
Connector Type ET550-HG ET650-HG ET750-HG
ATX 24 Pin 1
EPS 4+4 Pin 1
PCIe 6+2 Pin 2 4
4P Molex 3
Floppy 1

Written with Aris Mpitziopoulos of Tom's Hardware.

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Source: Silverstone

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  • praktik - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link

    Is silverstone getting a little pressure from hot recent entrants and old companies all stepping up the case game?

    I'm always curious in the next Silverstone creative case, Ike the FT-02 or the Temjin, but feel they are not keeping up with the likes of Phanteks, Aerocool and even Corsair and NZXT.

    I'm not just talking about RgB and tempered glass, just the look and feel even. Silverstone designs are showing their age a bit, in looks.

    That said my empty TJ11 is beckoning for a renovation....

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