by Anand Lal Shimpi on April 27, 1999 2:32 PM EST

Shogo Performance Conclusions

Just like the original TNT, the TNT2 truly begins to shine under Direct3D.  As you can tell by the benchmarks, the 150MHz TNT2 went up against the 166MHz Voodoo3 3000 and still came out either even or on top at the higher resolutions.  Keeping in mind that the TNT2's drivers are still quite beta, the TNT2 is definitely a strong Direct3D performer.  The performance lead over the Voodoo3 extends to the point where even the 125MHz TNT2 manages to outdistance the 143MHz Voodoo3 2000.  Unfortunately, the same trend does not continue on with the slower CPUs, the Voodoo3 dominated the Pentium II 266 scores, and the 3dfx name reigned completely on the Celeron platform, especially the cacheless Celeron 266.  In spite of this, the TNT2 will prove to be the faster overall solution for users of the higher clock speed Celerons, as anything above the performance of the Pentium II 400 seems to begin to noticeably tilt the balance of power in favor of NVIDIA. 

The CPU scaling performance graphs show how well the TNT2 scales with processor performance, it looks like the TNT2 won't be maxing out its performance anytime soon. 

Shogo - CPU Scaling Performance Descent 3 AnandTech Demo - P3/500
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