Memory Performance @ 800MHz/DDR400

Switching to the 800MHz FSB and DDR400 changes things considerably, now the 875P finally holds an advantage over the 865PE thanks to PAT.

The 875P's main performance benefit at DDR400 comes from the PAT's reduction in memory latency, a 29% reduction in this case. Part of this massive reduction is due to the fact that the 865PE had to run at slightly less aggressive memory timings due to the memory issues mentioned at the start of this article.

Media Encoding & 3D Rendering @ 533MHz/DDR333 Content Creation & Office Performance @ 800MHz/DDR400
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, July 10, 2003 - link

    I appreciate reviews such as this. But, as a "middle ground" technical background but heavy Excel, and database manipulation user my options break out different than specified here. I am a retail buyer. Box it and sell it to me. The 865's are boxed with "middle systems", the 875's with "higher systems". If I upgrade a "middle", with larger HD and monitor, I am within $30 of the higher system "out of the box". In no way is this a layman's forum, but it would be nice for the "layman", if you included a sentence about "if you are within $100, go ahead with this".

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