MSI GT70 Ivy Bridge Gaming Notebook Giveaway

Congrats to lebarle who won the MSI Z77A-GD65 from our last giveaway. As I hinted at last time however, if you didn't win or aren't in need of a...

4880 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/24/2012

Replacing my HTPC with a mini ITX System

Free time is hard to come by these days. Since the beginning of the year I've hit Vegas, Barcelona, Santa Clara, New York, Santa Clara (again), Austin, Seattle, Chicago...

56 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/24/2012

AMD's Gift to AnandTech Readers: 50 Free AFDS Passes - Update: All Gone

Apparently Manju was feeling pretty generous after our recent Ask the Experts session and gave us 50 free passes to AMD's Fusion12 Developer Summit (AFDS) to give away to...

16 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/23/2012

ASUS' Zenbook SSD and Apple's MacBook Air SSD Are Not Compatible

In working on yesterday's Zenbook Prime review I ran into a problem with the 256GB Sandisk U100 drive that came with my review sample. Unfortunately, since the drive doesn't...

22 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/23/2012

ASUS Zenbook Prime (UX21A) Review: The First of the 2nd Gen Ultrabooks

The first round of Ultrabooks were mostly underwhelming. It shouldn't be a surprise, but many of the efforts were just half hearted at best. Of the companies who shipped...

192 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/22/2012

Sonic 4: Episode II Now Available for Tegra 3

Earlier this year at Mobile World Congress, NVIDIA and Sega announced Sonic 4: Episode II would be coming to TegraZone in an optimized version for NVIDIA's Tegra 3 hardware...

17 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/16/2012

What We've Been Waiting For: Testing OpenCL Accelerated Handbrake with AMD's Trinity

AMD, and NVIDIA before it, has been trying to convince us of the usefulness of its GPUs for general purpose applications for years now. For a while it seemed...

60 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/15/2012

Ask the Experts: Heterogeneous and GPU Compute with AMD’s Manju Hegde

AMD’s Manju Hegde is one of the rare folks I get to interact with who has an extensive background working at both AMD and NVIDIA. He was one of...

101 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/14/2012

A First Look at Thunderbolt on Windows with MSI's Z77A-GD80

I finally made the transition to a notebook as my desktop last year, a move many had made years prior. Quad-core mobile Sandy Bridge and good SSDs made the...

98 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/11/2012

The iPad 2,4 Review: 32nm Brings Better Battery Life

When Apple launched the 3rd generation iPad (as the new iPad), it also dropped the price of the entry-level 16GB WiFi iPad 2 to $399. Apple's products tend to...

100 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/4/2012

Samsung Galaxy S III Performance Preview: It's Fast

Earlier today Samsung unveiled its Galaxy S III, at the heart of which is Samsung's new Exynos 4 Quad SoC. Fortunately we got a ton of hands on time...

94 by Brian Klug & Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/3/2012

MSI Z77A-GD65 Ivy Bridge Motherboard Giveaway

Thanks to everyone who entered our last giveaway. We're waiting for eligibility confirmation from our four potential winners: bigbluerobo, nhilyna, Lord 666 and fiftysixtius. Respond to the email in...

2294 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/30/2012

ASUS Ivy Bridge/7-Series Chipset Video & Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago we ran a call for questions as I got word that ASUS would be paying me a visit in NC. JJ from ASUS sat...

2878 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/24/2012

The Intel Ivy Bridge (Core i7 3770K) Review

The times, they are changing. In fact, the times have already changed, we're just waiting for the results. I remember the first time Intel brought me into a hotel...

173 by Anand Lal Shimpi & Ryan Smith on 4/23/2012

ASUS Transformer Pad 300 (TF300T) Review

Before the $399 iPad 2, before the $199 Kindle Fire, there was the $399 Eee Pad Transformer from ASUS. Like nearly all first attempts in the tablet space, the...

37 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/22/2012

HTC One X Cases: Taking Protection into HTC's Hands

With the One lineup (particuarly the One X and One S), HTC really ratched up its focus on design. The One X is easily one of the best looking...

21 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/20/2012

HTC One Media Link HD Demo

We've just started work on our HTC One X/One S testing, however HTC was kind enough to give us a demo of one of the coolest accessories that was...

8 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/20/2012

NVIDIA Plots Mobile SoC GPU Performance, Surpassing Xbox 360 by 2014

Qualcomm was the first to tell us that it expects to offer console level GPU performance in the not too distant future, generally hinting that its Adreno 3xx GPUs...

51 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/19/2012

AMD's Godfrey Cheng Joins Rick Bergman at Synaptics

A couple of weeks ago one of my oldest friends in the industry, Godfrey Cheng, announced his resignation from AMD. Godfrey came over from the ATI side of the...

11 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/17/2012

Intel SSD 330 Officially Announced: Affordable SandForce

We reported on Intel's SSD 330 weeks ago, but today is the official announcement of the drive and its availability in the channel. Unlike previous 300 series drives, the...

75 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/16/2012

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