Final Recommendations

We've mentioned a lot of GPUs worth considering on the previous pages, but some people just want a quick answer. If we had to pick one or two options for each price bracket as the overall "best", we would recommend the following. For the most part, similar cards from different manufacturers are going to offer the same level of performance. Pay attention to GPU and memory clock speeds if you are comparing two cards from different manufacturers, however, particularly in the less expensive markets where there's a lot of flexibility given to the card manufacturers.

GPU Recommendation Summary
Class GPU Price
Integrated 775 ECS P4M800Pro-M V2 + E6300 Bundle
CPU = $160 value
Integrated 775 ASUS P5L-MX 945G $83
Integrated AM2 Abit NF-M2 nForce 6150 $96
Cheapest Sapphire 100190L Radeon X550 HyperMemory $47
Budget EVGA 256-P2-N443-LX GeForce 7300GT $75
Lower-Midrange EVGA 256-P2-N615-TX GeForce 7600GT
$20 MIR
$135 - $20
Midrange Overclocking EVGA 256-P2-N624-AR GeForce 7900GS
$20 MIR
$185 - $20
Upper-Midrange Sapphire 100176L Radeon X1950 Pro $206
Lower High-End Foxconn FV-N79GM3D2-HP GeForce 7950GT 512MB
$35 MIR - Includes free gamepad
$270 - $35
Lower High-End Sapphire 100186L Radeon X1950XT 256MB $255
High-End Sapphire 100177L Radeon X1950 XTX $386
Extreme Overclocking EVGA 640-P2-N821-AR GeForce 8800 GTS
$20 MIR
$455 - $20
Extreme EVGA 768-P2-N831-AR GeForce 8800GTX $603
Ultra Extreme 2 X EVGA 768-P2-N831-AR GeForce 8800GTX (SLI) $1206

If you're looking for a new graphics card for yourself or someone else, hopefully we have been able to shed some light on the situation. Once again from all of us at AnandTech, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (and whatever other appropriate greetings you might want)!

Performance Overview
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  • JarredWalton - Thursday, December 14, 2006 - link

    Fair enough - I added a Midrange Overclocking for you. It's still more like $165 according to the prices I found at Newegg and ZipZoomFly, unless you're seeing something cheaper?
  • Noya - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link">
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link

    Got a better one for you:">Sapphire X1900 GT v2

    Sure, it's the slower clocked version of the GT, but no rebate and $141 shipped is quite tasty. This wasn't available two days ago, I can say that for sure.
  • TechLuster - Thursday, December 14, 2006 - link

    The 7600GT (and GS as well I think) has 8 ROP's, not 6. Jarred, you may want to fix this.

    And, though I have no resource to back this up, I have a hunch that the 6600GT has 8 (not 4) also.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, December 14, 2006 - link

    You're correct on the 7600 GT, but there are quite a few places that agree 6600 has 4 ROPs, like">Wiki for example.
  • TechLuster - Friday, December 15, 2006 - link

    According to this article">

    the 6600GT has 8 ROP's. Perhaps the Wiki is referring to the vanilla 6600, but I still doubt that NVIDIA broke with the 1:1 pixel pipe:ROP ratio with any version of the 6 series.
  • JarredWalton - Friday, December 15, 2006 - link

    I know some places say 8 ROPs, but I think more say 4.">TechReport">Another Wiki Link">Legion Hardware">BeHardware - why 8 ROPs isn't necessarily a good idea

    Basically, the way I see it is that it probably doesn't matter too much either way - X1900 and 78/7900 have both shown that 16 ROPs for more pixel shaders is fine - and the idea was to make a more budget oriented part. One of the ways to do that is to cut unnecessary extras like additional Render Output Pipelines. As for 6600 vs. 6600 GT, those are the same chip with different clock speeds, so they have the same number of functional units.

    Even if 6600 does have 8 ROPs (I can't find anything official from NVIDIA), the important thing is that a 6600 GT is now slower than a lot of the newer ~$100 cards. :) But hey, if someone gets a specific answer from NVIDIA, I can update. I can also fire off an email just to verify, but it might take a bit to get an answer (if they answer at all).
  • microAmp - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - link

    Not sure if this is worth a mention in the article or not, but currently has 15% off which can be used on the XFX 8800 GTS/X cards. If you can dig up a another coupon, Dell sent me one via email for 10% off, the deal can be even sweeter.

    I got the 8800 GTS for $382.50 and free shipping. Sweet deal for others not living in Texas like me. About $420 with tax.

    Only reason I mention this is because you mention using MIR on the EVA 8800 GTS.
  • LoneWolf15 - Thursday, December 14, 2006 - link

    I did the same thing. Mine came out to $404 after tax here in Michigan.

    XFX also has a double-lifetime warranty; that is, a lifetime warranty which applies to the first owner, and a second owner, should the first resell the card. You have to make sure you register the card, but it's a neat feature.
  • SonicIce - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - link

    So I guess it's RIP AGP. :(

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