6x -RW - Ritek W06

We tested 6x Ritek DVD-RW media also.

6x -RW - Ritek W06 Write

6x -RW - Ritek W06 Read

Only 5 drives could write and read the discs. The black sheep in this test was LG's GSA-4163A. Again, the PX-712A was not able to read any of the discs for PI errors.

We have created ZIP files of the screenshots that we have taken of the Nero CD-DVD Speed and PlexTools benchmarks. Feel free to click on the links below to download them.

BenQ DW1640
LG GSA-4163B
NEC ND-3540A
Pioneer DVR-109D
Sony DRU-720A
Toshiba SD-R5372

8x +RW - MKM A03 8x +RW - Ritek 008
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  • g33k - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Yup, it looks like you might be better off buying a last gen drive. It might take a while for the firmware updates that may improve these drives.

    From the looks of it, NEC and Pioneer are no longer the best drives. BenQ has that title now.
  • Beenthere - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Doesn't look like ANY of these drives are worth buying with so many errors.

    SOD, DD. Rushed to market CRAP !!!
  • quadcity - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    "Special thanks to BenQ for supplying us with the DW1640."
  • nutxo - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Where did they acquire a benq 1640?

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