
Several weeks ago, we took a look at seven moderately priced 19" LCD monitors hoping to find a monitor that combined the best in performance, price and quality. Since then, Dell was generous enough to give us one of their newest 19" LCD models, the much famed 1905FP. The Dell UltraSharp 1905FP and its larger brother, the 2005FPW, are the eventual replacements for the 1901FP and the much acclaimed 2001FP displays. The Dell 2001FP has been one of the most fantastic displays that we ever had the pleasure of working with; it sports excellent resolution, great user interface, additional inputs and an unbeatable price. However, like all things in the computer industry, a lot can change in a year. Even though the 2001FP was an exceptionally bright monitor for a flat panel capable of 1600x1200 resolutions, newer Samsung, LG.Philips LCD and AUO panels all sport better specifications and the OEMs have started to implement these newer panels.

Dell UltraSharp 1905FP (right) with a Dell UltraSharp 2001FP close by (left)

Undoubtedly, the 1905FP has a lot to live up to given the legacy of the 2001FP. We were not able to get a sample of the 2005FPW in time for this review, but we will get a full comprehensive look at that display in the next few weeks.

Since we just finished a roundup a few weeks ago, Dell has it particularly tough because the 1905FP must outperform all of our other 19" LCDs to win our hearts.


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  • Amol - Saturday, January 29, 2005 - link

    and WHEN is the 2005FPw going to get reviewed? actually, nvm, i already got it :)
  • JoKeRr - Saturday, January 29, 2005 - link

    always LOVES Anandtech's review on LCDs, definitely the best reviews out there. So I guess response time isn't everything in the end.

    and what's up with the backlite problem? how do u detect that??
  • archcommus87 - Saturday, January 29, 2005 - link

    1280x1028? Last page...

    Great article.
  • phaxmohdem - Saturday, January 29, 2005 - link

    Time to upgrade my dual 17inch video editing setup! Sweet!

    *cough* first post! :)
  • igr11 - Saturday, September 3, 2005 - link

    Excellent article. I own the Dell UltraSharp 1905FP and I find few faults with the monitor. I was wondering if it is possible to post your Colorvision calibrated profiles (the ones you used in the article). I dabble in image editing, but can't afford a decent hardware profiling system.

  • rufwork - Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - link

    "We noticed poorer than typical results when using the analog 15-pin D-sub connector with extremely bad streaking/interference errors. There isn't a large reason to use analog in our opinion, so this is not a huge issue in the long run. The DVI signal quality was superb, as expected on a digital connection."

    I'm stuck with this thing at work, nearly literally salvaged from the scrap heap to hook up to my hand-me-down laptop that sports a VGA out and a really poor 1366x768 resolution that makes the Ancient One an improvement.

    Hilarious reading through the gushing for what must have been a very solid square (!!) monitor -- over nine years ago -- and to see that Anandtech figured nobody'd see the limitations of analog use "in the long run", just like I'm using it now in 2014. Maybe I'll watch the Matrix too for old time's sake^H^H^H to push the 1905FP to its limits. ;^)

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