System Summary

Here are the final system configurations for this month's Mid-Range Guide. We stuck with the recommended parts on the base AMD and Intel configurations, in order to keep overall price comparable. The AMD PCIe alternative uses most of the alternative parts in order to get improved performance, although we have also listed all the alternative parts in a separate table for reference. If we were looking for a good value in a computer purchase for ourselves, a relative, or a friend, all of these systems provide a great computing experience.

AMD AGP Athlon 64 System

AMD AGP Athlon 64 System
Hardware Recommended Component Price
Processor Athlon 64 3200+ 512K 2.0 GHz 90 nm for 939 (Retail) 215
Motherboard MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum (NF3 250Gb) 139
Memory Corsair Value Select Dual Pack 2x512MB DDR PC-3200 CL2.5 145
Video Card XFX 6600GT AGP 128MB GDDR3 209
Hard Drive Seagate 160GB SATA with NCQ 105
Optical Drive NEC DVD+RW 3520A 64
Floppy Drive NEC/Sony/TEAC/Samsung/etc. 8
Case Antec SLK-3000-B 76
Power Supply Fortron Source Blue Storm 400W Model FSP400-60THN-R 59
Display Samsung 997DF 19" 211
Speakers Logitech X-530 5.1 56
Keyboard and Mouse Logitech Optical Desktop Combo 25
Bottom Line   1312

Intel Pentium 4 System

Intel Pentium 4 System
Hardware Recommended Component Price
Processor Pentium 4 540 (3.2 GHz) for 775 (Retail) 215
Motherboard ASUS P5GD1 (915P) 116
Memory Corsair Value Select Dual Pack 2x512MB DDR PC-3200 CL2.5 145
Video Card Leadtek Winfast PX6600 GT TDH PCIe 128MB 190
Hard Drive Seagate 160GB SATA with NCQ 105
Optical Drive NEC DVD+RW 3520A 64
Floppy Drive NEC/Sony/TEAC/Samsung/etc. 8
Case Antec SLK-3000-B 76
Power Supply Fortron Source Blue Storm 400W Model FSP400-60THN-R 59
Display Samsung 997DF 19" 211
Speakers Logitech X-530 5.1 56
Keyboard and Mouse Logitech Optical Desktop Combo 25
Bottom Line   1270

AMD "Upgraded" PCIe Athlon 64 System

AMD "Upgraded" PCIe Athlon 64 System
Hardware Recommended Component Price
Processor Athlon 64 3500+ 512K 2.2 GHz 90 nm for 939 (Retail) 334
Motherboard ASUS A8N SLI 197
Memory Patriot/PDP XBL Dual Channel Kit 2x512MB DDR PC-3200 2-2-2-5 224
Video Card Leadtek Winfast PX6600 GT TDH PCIe 128MB 190
Hard Drive Maxtor 300GB SATA-II with NCQ and 16MB cache 194
Optical Drive NEC DVD+RW 3520A 64
Floppy Drive NEC/Sony/TEAC/Samsung/etc. 8
Case CoolerMaster Cooler Master Cavalier 3 model CAV-T03-WW 112
Power Supply Fortron Source Blue Storm 400W Model FSP400-60THN-R 59
Display NEC/Mitsubishi FE991SB-BK 19" 259
Speakers Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 THX Certified 153
Keyboard and Mouse Logitech Optical Desktop Combo 25
Bottom Line   1819

Alternative Equipment

Alternative Equipment
Hardware Recommended Component Price
Processor Athlon 64 3500+ 512K 2.2 GHz 90 nm (939) 334
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 (NF4 4X) 146
Motherboard ASUS A8N SLI 197
Memory Patriot/PDP XBL Dual Channel Kit 2x512MB DDR PC-3200 2-2-2-5 224
Video Card Leadtek A400GT TDH 256MB GDDR3 377
Hard Drive Maxtor 300GB SATA-II with NCQ and 16MB cache 194
Hard Drive Western Digital Raptor 74GB with NCQ and 10000 RPM 177
Optical Drive Pioneer DVR-108D 79
Case CoolerMaster Cooler Master Cavalier 3 model CAV-T03-WW 112
Display ViewEra V172D Silver 17" LCD 264
Sound Card Creative Audigy 2 ZS 75
Sound Card M-Audio Revolution 7.1 98
Speakers Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 THX Certified 153
Keyboard Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard PS/2 29
Mouse Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless 63


That wraps it up for this Mid-Range Guide. We'll also have an Overclocking/Enthusiast Guide targeting a similar price range in the near future, which will address some of the areas that we didn't get to here. There is really no point in upgrading your computer unless you are unhappy with its current level of performance. The ideal time to upgrade is whenever you feel that way, although it may or may not be necessary to purchase an entirely new system. If you like to stay close to the top in terms of performance, selling your current system for a moderate price can lessen the impact of trying to keep up with the latest developments in technology.

In the end, we're still waiting for better availability, pricing, and performance of Athlon 64 platforms with PCI Express. Three months ago, we were sure that all would have been taken care of before Christmas, but as with so many other recent product launches, retail availability has lagged far behind the initial launch and preview dates. There are reasons for the delays, of course: nForce4 had some silicon problems with A03 and they only released the initial SLI batches to Tier 1; VIA launched the K8T890, but no one picked it up right away; and ATI had problems getting Tier 1 and Tier 2 vendors to adopt the Xpress 200 chipset, particularly in non microATX form. We're not particularly happy with the delays, and we hope that the future will bring fewer paper launches. Everything mentioned in our Guides should at least be attainable were you to go out and try to purchase the parts today, which is about the best that we can do in trying to tame the dreaded paper launch.

Miscellaneous Considerations
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  • JarredWalton - Sunday, January 23, 2005 - link

    35 - Damn. Foiled. :) I forget these things over time. Wasn't the original Raptor TCQ and the newer version has something like "TCQ-II" which was supposed to improve on standard TCQ somehow? Anyway, our NCQ article didn't really show a major benefit for desktop use, but I've fixed the error now. Thanks!
  • REMF - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    "On the other hand, if improved performance is what you're after, the best two choices are either one of the 16MB cache Maxtor drives or the 74GB Western Digital Raptor [RTPE: WD740GD] with its 10,000 RPM design - both of these also offer NCQ, in case you were wondering."

    the Raptor offers Tagged Command Queuing, not Native Command Queuing.

  • JarredWalton - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    Regarding post #30 and the NEC 3520A, a reader sent me an email informing me that the 3520A uses a new chipset and thus the 3500A is *not* upgradeable to the 3520A via a BIOS flash. Barring any contradicting views, I'll stick with that.
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    31 - our RTPE doesn't currently differentiate between the ST3160023AS and the ST3160827AS, unfortunately. For example, the Newegg listing currently priced at $111.50 + $4.69 shipping is the appropriate NCQ model. In reality, the NCQ doesn't seem to be a big deal for non-server systems (just like RAID), but if it's only a few dollars more why not get it? That was my feeling. There are even a couple listings in the RTPE for the ST3160021AS. Basically, the RTPE bots match items according to size and features, but NCQ doesn't seem to be something they're aware of yet.
  • kamaboko - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    you know the saying, "can't please all of the people all of the time". i think that applies here. in any case, i found this guide useful since i'm looking at a near total ground up rebuild--minus dvd burner, audigy 2zs, and monitor.
  • beakerman - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    "With the added benefit of Native Command Queuing (NCQ), the Seagate drives continue to impress. The Seagate 160 GB SATA [RTPE: ST3160023AS]"

    According to Seagate, the ST3160023AS does not feature NCQ. I believe the drive you want is the ST3160827AS, which is actually a few $$ cheaper. Both drives are 160 GB SATA.
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    26 - Sorry, I got the wrong "updated burn speeds" in there. The 3500A is indeed capable of 16X DVD+/-R recording. The difference is that the 3520A can do DVD+RW at 8X and DVD-RW at 6X, while the 3500A is stuck at 4X for both. There's a reasonable chance, of course, that a BIOS flash of the 3500A can turn it into the 3520A. I updated the text with this information.

    28 - The "alternative" was meant as a closer to high-end option. 50% more for the CPU for 10% more performance is a rather expensive upgrade. The jump to the 3800+ is even worse, coming in at 100% more than the 3500+ for a 9% performance increase. I've updated the text slightly to make this more clear. For overclockers, I definitely wouldn't bother with the added cost of the 3500+.

    27 - I did mention the home theater aspect for the speakers (last part of the 5300e paragraph), but we're certainly not going to spec out an entire home audio setup, so there's not much to do other than mention it. Your comment ties into the next point:

    29 - 2.1 speakers aren't much cheaper than the 5.1s, and you can always just leave the rear speakers disconnected. Still, you have a point that some people really don't want more speakers. In that case, I'm not sure why they would bother with anything more than 2.0 speakers, though. There *are* great 2.0 and 2.1 speakers out there, but then you're almost better off looking at the home audio equipment instead of PC speakers. I dunno... I suppose the Swans are always an option. Anywat, I modified the text to include 2.0/2.1 speakers and headphones as something to consider, along with home theater audio. I moved this into a separate paragraph to draw more attention to it.
  • Dranzerk - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    One suggestion for next buyers guide, I think all kinds system setups like 2.1 speaker systems, you should offer a 5.1 and 2.1 for each type instead of just 5.1.

    I know some personally don't like 5.1 sounding speakers, and prefer 2.1 speakers.

    The logitech Z3 2.1 fit that bill perfectly, you can find them for under $50 also, and they get great reviews.
  • Pjotr - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    I think you are fooling buyers into a wrongful purchase when it comes to performance. In the AMD "Upgraded" PCIe Athlon 64 System you have gone from 3200+ for $215 to 3500+ for $334. The performance increase from 2.0 to 2.2 GHz is smaller than 10 %, in many applications like games it might even be close to 0.

    Instead of adding $119 for this 0-10 % performance gain, I think sticking with the 3200+ CPU and changing the graphics card from 6600GT to 6800GT (Leadtek A400) is a MUCH better choise, It will cost you £377 minus $190 = $187. If you want to come down close to the $119 difference don't get an SLI motherboard.

    This graphics upgrade will make wonders in anything graphics related compared to a 10 % CPU clock speed upgrade that is seldom noticed in anything.
  • Caligynemania - Saturday, January 22, 2005 - link

    Great article, just one comment. With your reccomendation of speakers and sound card as alternatives, you really should mention that a receiver/speaker combination would probably be most people's best bets. A good receiver will run slightly more than the sound cards you mentioned, but the selection for real speakers is infinitely better than computer speakers.

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