AMD Motherboards - NVIDIA nForce 2

NVIDIA's nForce2 chipset has been around for a little while now and has had plenty of time to prove itself to the community at large. Luckily for NVIDIA, it proved itself and did so very well, emerging as one of the best socket A chipsets ever produced. While there are some variants to the NF2 chipset that have been released after the fact, it is hard to go wrong with any of them when looking to purchase a new motherboard.

One board in particular that has held on strong as being great for overclocking, stability, overall speed and features is the Abit NF7-S. Although it may not carry onboard gigabit Ethernet, or a dual BIOS as some do, these are features that are less than necessary when the goal is to build a rock solid machine for a reasonable price.

Abit nForce2 NF7-S 120 Day Analysis

Intel Processors – Celeron AMD Motherboards – NVIDIA nForce 3
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  • AdamRader - Thursday, November 18, 2004 - link

    Fixed, and fixed. Perhaps it takes more than 2 hours of sleep and a box of caffiene pills to write =)
  • Schnook121 - Thursday, November 18, 2004 - link

    I think on the page about the A64's, the socket 939 3200+ is a winchester core, not a newcastle
  • nthexwn - Thursday, November 18, 2004 - link

    Celerons come in socket 748!? ;)

    I take joy in thinking to myself every time that I'm bored, "Every hour, computers are getting faster and cheaper!" And when I want to know how much faster/cheaper I come here!

    Been lurking around for ages, and finally bothered to register!

    I have yet to see a computer store ANYWHERE that can beat the anandtech/newegg combo for info/parts!


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