PixelView Cards

PixelView Plasma Display Fan 5700

This card is very flashy with a gold PCB and chassis lit by a blue fan LED. It sports an LCD display that shows the current temperature of the GPU (from the back of the card) and fan speed.

The idea is pretty cool for those with open cases or windows, but there is a problem. The LCD fan is mounted at a 45 degree angle up from the front of the card. When it is installed in a system, effectively, this points it down at an angle that is very hard to read. The only way that the display is useful is if you have a sideways case or leave your motherboard laying around on a table.

The gold box around the card also kept the ambient temperature of the card a little higher than the core temperature when it was idling (as read from the NVIDIA driver), which seemed a little odd to us.

We are glad to see that PixelView included this kind of thing, as it is definitely useful to the people who want it, but hopefully, in the future, designs will be more ergonomic and accessible than this one.

MSI Cards PowerColor Cards
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  • Icewind - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - link

    Were are the comparison charts between the overclocked and stock speed 9800pro's? I must be blind, because I can't see them.
  • par - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - link

    Where can I find the passively cooled 9600XT by sapphire? Newegg shows sapphires 9600xt with a fan.
  • DerekWilson - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - link

    The Seagate HD: Barracuda 7200.7 PATA ... I'll add that to the table
  • mostlyprudent - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - link

    Nice article. A passively cooled 9600XT?!...I've found my next video card. There is one thing that I am unclear about - the Seagate hard drive used in the test setup - is it an SATA drive?

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